🚀 Challenge 🚀

Coming Across as an Emerging Leader

Thank you for being an expert for PLACE, it’s fantastic to have you with us to promote migrant-led innovation.

We hope you enjoy your evaluation session here with us, and we’ll see you on the other side for the LIVE expert session where you will meet and share tips with the participants, and discover their ambitions and enthusiasm LIVE!


What’s the context of the evaluation?

The participants went through a “Challenge” with PLACE: a 2-hour interactive learning experience online. As a roleplay, they were taking part in a bootcamp to get selected by The Right Livelihoods Award to feature in TIME Magazine. In order to be selected, they needed to produce a video presenting themselves as an emerging leader.

During this 2-minute video profiles, the participants need to answer these questions in a clear articulated way:

  1. What is your desired impact? In other words, What are you looking to transform in the long run?
  2. Why should we follow you? In other words, what makes you the right person/leader?

On this space you will find:

  • The brief for the roleplay scenario
  • An expert brief that outlines what the video will be evaluated on
  • The evaluation criteria for your reference
  • The completed video profiles

The brief for the roleplay scenario 

You’re in Stockholm, Sweden to attend the Right Livelihood Awards – an annual ceremony that has been founded in order to support those offering practical and exemplary answers to the most urgent challenges that face the world today. You have been called as one of the attendees along with many other globally- active leaders, but also for another specific reason.

You have been identified as one of the top 200 emerging leaders. In partnership with TIME Magazine, the Right Livelihood Awards will feature 10 emerging leader profiles in a special edition magazine and through a YouTube series.

To be considered as one of the candidates for this opportunity you will need to prepare a 2-minute video showcasing yourself, your vision, and your goals around the work that you’re doing. 

Guidelines on evaluation scale… should you need it (or trust your instinct!)

Clarity of goal

Remarkably observed: Self-awareness, empathy, motivation come across very strongly

Observed: They express how they want to lead and embody it

Insufficiently observed: They express how they want to lead but do not embody it

Not observed: They neither express nor embody awareness of leadership style

Self-awareness of leadership style

Remarkably observed: Completely convincing expression of goals

Observed: Articulate and sequenced expression of goal

Insufficiently observed: Vision is shared but no clear road to success (time, sequences)

Not observed: You cannot understand where they are heading

Convincing body language

Remarkably observed: Their engagement with the audience makes consistent focus on them easy

Observed: They are up to codes (rules, dress code, formality, presence) and show some engagement with the audience

Insufficiently observed: They show unawareness of professional codes and discomfort with the digital tools

Not observed: They are not in control of their body language (incapacitating fear, hesitation, lack of preparation and/or awareness)