šŸš€ ChallengeĀ šŸš€

Getting to Yes!

Thank you for being an expert for PLACE, itā€™s fantastic to have you with us to promote migrant-led innovation.



What’s the context of the evaluation?

The Catalysts went through a challenge with PLACE: a 2-hour interactive learning experience online.

They were asked to create a presentation on a project they would like to carry out that convinces their audience effectively. For doing so, they were introduced to concepts such as the Theory of Change to think deeply about the solution they wanted to offer.

Their output was a 2ā€² delivery backed by 4 powerful slides


Guidelines on evaluation scale… should you need it (or trust your instinct!)

Likelihood of solving the problem (Theory of change)

Remarkably observed: Completely convincing articulation between problem and proposal

Observed: Articulate expression of a reachable proposalĀ 

Insufficiently observed: Potential is exposed but no clear road to actionĀ 

Not observed: You cannot understand where they are heading



Remarkably observed: Proposal seems non-refusable because it triggers desire to act, and the organization seems trustworthy

Observed: Proposal is clear and outcomes are realistic based on positive track recordĀ 

Insufficiently observed: Proposal seems relevant but lacks proof of capacity to deliver

Not observed: Proposal seems fragile and not sustained by evidenceĀ 

Convincing body language & staging

Remarkably observed: Their engagement with the audience makes consistent focus on them easy

Observed: They are up to codes (rules, dress code, formality, presence) and show some engagement with the audience

Insufficiently observed: They show unawareness of professional codes, or looseness

Not observed: They are not in control of their body language (incapacitating fear, hesitation, lack of preparation and/or awareness)