Challenge: Allies on Board

🚀 Challenge 🚀

Allies on Board

Thank you for being an expert for PLACE, it’s fantastic to have you with us to promote migrant-led innovation.

We hope you enjoyed the LIVE expert session where you met and shared tips with the Catalysts, and discovered their resilience and enthusiasm live! Please share your evaluation here with us, so we can monitor the Catalysts’ progress and help them build a sky-rocketing career!


What’s the context of the evaluation?

The Catalysts went through a “Challenge” with PLACE: a 2.5 hour interactive learning experience online.

The Challenge is based on roleplay within the context of a fictional company, GoToHarvest. As an employee of GoToHarvest, the Catalyst has been leading a sustainability pilot for the last six months. Their pilot has been going well and they are nearing the end of the trial phase. However, in order to ensure the continuity of their pilot and turn it into core operations of the company, they need support. Before it can turn into a long-standing project, they need people who will vouch for them and the relevance of their work. 

The Catalysts have been invited to the annual GoToHarvest convention where they have the opportunity to network with people from across departments, levels of seniority and geographies. It is an excellent opportunity to build alliances and find a champion who will support them in bringing their pilot to the next level.  Among 3 suitable profiles met at the event, they picked one, and set up a meeting before the end of the convention to convince them to become their champion. 

You are helping them rehearse this meeting by giving them feedback on a 2-minute alliance proposal they prepared to lay the foundation of the alliance. The alliance proposal must include the following points:

  • A shared idea of success that meets the interests of both parties
  • A demonstration of the complementary nature of their strengths and weaknesses
  • Details of a structured relationship that allows the champion to commit in practice


During the Challenge the Catalysts had access to to the following resources: 

  • A brief that outlines what the alliance proposal will be evaluated on
  • The pre-selected pilots (as a reference from a previous Challenge)
  • The potential ally profiles 

We have included them here for your reference. 

Presentation of GoToHarvest

These are the ally profiles

These are the pre-selected pilots

Guidelines on the evaluation scale… should you need it (or trust your instinct!)


Foundation: Communication of combined strengths and strategies

Remarkably observed:Mutual strengths and a promising outcome are clearly outlined, and potential weaknesses are strategically tackled.

Observed:Mutual strengths and a potential outcome are outline, with potential weaknesses mentioned.

Insufficiently observed:Mutual strengths are laid out, without the outcome or potential weaknesses mentioned

Not observed:Mutual strengths, outcome, and weaknesses are not mentioned.

Shared Vision: Guidance towards a vision for shared success

Remarkably observed:Mutual strengths and a promising outcome are clearly outlined, and potential weaknesses are strategically tackled.

Observed:Mutual strengths and a potential outcome are outline, with potential weaknesses mentioned.

Insufficiently observed:Mutual strengths are laid out, without the outcome or potential weaknesses mentioned

Not observed:Mutual strengths, outcome, and weaknesses are not mentioned.


Formalize a fair deal to start off for the long term

Remarkably observed:Mutual strengths and a promising outcome are clearly outlined, and potential weaknesses are strategically tackled.

Observed:Mutual strengths and a potential outcome are outline, with potential weaknesses mentioned.

Insufficiently observed:Mutual strengths are laid out, without the outcome or potential weaknesses mentioned

Not observed:Mutual strengths, outcome, and weaknesses are not mentioned.



