place tv
Have you noticed our management culture within the PLACE crew?
Creating powerful networks and binding rules to lead others in an environment of belonging and reliability
viewing time about 4′
Making a difference between a culture of pressure and training is what leads others to performs
Understanding that putting pressure and control is not the key to leading others
watch time about 15’13”
Practical tips to inspire a team everyday
Creating impactful organizations
Tapping into and nurturing a culture of collective effort that can last even in times of setback and uncertainty.
watch time 13′
Developing empowering environments
Dumping the misrepresentations of what makes people give their best potential to an organization and getting it right
Read the full article here
reading time 6′
Leading others (and oneself) to continous progress
Mastering the art of feedback to lead and role model a culture of joyful learning and achievement (vs compliance)
watch time 5′
Leading others clearly: objectives & key results
Inspiring others to achieve thanks to OKRs
watch time 6′
JR: when empowering others becomes an art and a weapon
Leading others means trusting them to making your vision their own and translating it into their own contexts. That is what JR does with his participative art. His leadership is unique as it plays with rules, his own discretion and giving space to underrepresented faces. It has become a significant form of influence…
watch time 25′
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