📖 Coaching log 📖

The journal of a leader in the making

Welcome, this is your space to journal the progress of your Catalyst.

Thank you for investing in such a precious relationship with your Catalyst. 

With this journal, you are the narrator of the Catalyst’s evolution month after month. Remember you have all the tools you need in your coach manual.

📖 Coaching log 📖

The journal of a leader
in the making

Welcome, this is your space to journal the progress of your Catalyst.

Thank you for investing in such a precious relationship with your Catalyst.

With this journal, you are the narrator of the Catalyst’s evolution month after month. Remember you have all the tools you need in your coach manual.


Why do we need this data?

The Catalyst that you are coaching is a leader in the making. 

Your interaction with them over time will help them become aware of their leadership style and own it. The aim will be for them to engage in their endeavours fully mindful of their strengths and their areas of growth. It will not only be a valuable asset when they promote themselves, but also when they grow others and build meaningful organizations. 

The coach survey is, therefore, to be seen as a journal, and not as an evaluation. It is a memory of what the Catalyst was able to understand at a given moment. The compilation of the surveys over the program period is a story of their growth and a dynamic picture of all the facets they have been able to bring to the surface through their learning journey.  

Beyond the ability to set goals, great leaders know that to achieve them they also need to recognize what their needs are. It is as much about what they ask themselves as what they ask of others.

should you need them
(or trust your instinct!)

Leadership features 

What self-awareness looks like

  • They show assertiveness: “I” vs “they”, “people”
  • They expose diverse emotions: I feel “motivated”, “focused” etc. vs “good”, “fine” etc. They can be both pleasant and unpleasant
  • They qualify specific features: a broad range of adjectives both positive and negative
  • They can laugh about themselves

What self-regulation looks like

  • They show the ability to make decisions
  • They own their opinions
  • They understand responsibility and consequences
  • They do what they say

What motivation looks like

  • They show drive: active verbs, direct sentences
  • They provide examples of perseverance, managing frustration and overcoming obstacles

What empathy looks like

  • They care about people
  • They identify potential in others and reward qualities
  • They know how to energize people

What social skill looks like

  • They show attention
  • They articulate ideas clearly
  • They motivate their following
  • They display quality of presence

Ability to set SMART goals

  • Not observed: goal is too generic, too much room for interpretation
  • Untapped potential: goal is specific, without the other MART features
  • Observed: SMART features are identified
  • Strongly observed: SMART features are articulated, success is visualized

Level of commitment to goal previously set

  • Not committed: did not show follow-up on goal set
  • Committed but not enough: tried but did not manage to reach goal set
  • Committed: reached goal previously set
  • Highly committed: went beyond goal previously set