In the 21st century, what is a community without connectivity?
In 2020 we find ourselves with the capacity to join and contribute to communities in a previously unimaginable way. With a like, a hashtag, a follow or a retweet, we can amplify community-led movements that are no longer bound by geography or time.
However, a successful virtual community does not happen thanks to a simple sign-in or follow. Community builders and managers require tools and skillsets to take their members from affiliation to action.
Virtual Communities for Impact has created a practical toolkit for community builders to optimize the collective power of their virtual communities. Built by practitioners with proven experience in building thriving online and offline communities, they have collected stories, data and insights to give emerging communities the upper-hand as they build a foundation.
The toolkit offers a multitude of resources for community builders at all stages. One that particularly rang true for PLACE was on combining online and offline community experiences:
“Today, events and meetings that happen offline must also incorporate virtual elements to include individuals who are attending virtually. The challenge with hybrid, virtual and in-person meetings is to make online attendance feel inclusive and collaborative for everyone”
At PLACE we put a strong focus on building equally strong physical and virtual environments for our community. Through social media, active WhatsApp groups, video calls and shared online learning spaces we have been able to create seamless interfaces for our global community members to connect and learn together. Particularly through the use of online coaches who take an active role in the Catalyst’s learning experiences and Catalyst’s leading Innovation Labs throughout Europe despite borders and barriers that limit their physical presence.
As is the nature of a community based on migration, innovation and the future of work, it will continue to take us beyond borders and the constraints of space. We are excited to see where the PLACE community will continue to thrive.