learning space

Challenge: Allies On Board!

Good professionals and great leaders are lifelong learners. Get ready for your challenge with the mindset of someone wanting to sharpen their skills and see from current business practices how to grow and adapt in a changing environment. 

A few questions at the end allow you to see how you grasped it all. If you got it right, your chances of success in the challenge are high!!

Objective: Build alliances
Skills: Strategic thinking, Negotiation

learning space

🚀 Challenge  🚀

Allies on Board!

Good professionals and great leaders are lifelong learners. Get ready for your challenge with the mindset of someone wanting to sharpen their skills and see from current business practices how to grow and adapt in a changing environment. 

A few questions at the end allow you to see how you grasped it all. If you got it right, your chances of success in the challenge are high!!

Objective: Build alliances
Skills: Strategic thinking, negotiation

place tv

Growing PLACE network one ally at a time

To create the right environment for migrant-led innovation to spread, here are the steps taken by PLACE.

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Successful network interactions: tips from pros

Avoid common mistakes when interacting with a person who could be an asset
Read the full article here

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Learning how to make a proposal someone cannot refuse

Understanding why negotiation techniques help to ask for what you really need from your allies

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Navigating power and interests with a map

Guiding your decision on who to engage an alliance with

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Getting alliances right

Successful alliance strategies
Read the full article here

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Fostering alliances in the workplace: a delicate daily process

Developing an alliance mindset
Read the full article here

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How board members sustain your organization

Gathering the right people around the table who bring a bigger picture to your organization
Read the full article here

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How a relationship forms for lasting success

Iconic partnerships make iconic successes. From Motown “bubblegum” to disrupting the pop music industry… How did two very different personalities chose each other?

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Alliances as a key to evolution

We see alliances in business, but we forget that the natural environment we benefit from is a result of smart alliances only nature knows how to do. How different species cooperate is an infinite source of inspiration.

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Find out how ready you are to take the challenge!

