learning space

Challenge 1: Come across as an emerging leader

Good professionals and great leaders are lifelong learners. Get ready for your challenge with the mindset of someone wanting to sharpen their skills and see from current business practices how to grow and adapt in a changing environment. 

A few questions at the end allow you to see how you grasped it all. If you got it right, your chances of success in the challenge are high!!


Objective: Make yourself relevant in the sector:
Skills: Communication,Goal setting 

learning space

🚀 Challenge  🚀

Come across as an emerging leader

Good professionals and great leaders are lifelong learners. Get ready for your challenge with the mindset of someone wanting to sharpen their skills and see from current business practices how to grow and adapt in a changing environment. 

A few questions at the end allow you to see how you grasped it all. If you got it right, your chances of success in the challenge are high!!

Objective: Make yourself relevant in the sector
Skills: Communication,Goal setting 

place tv

What you see is what you get

Come accross with authenticity and use tools that are suited to a business world with no geographical boundaries

viewing time about 5′


Megan Rapinoe

Embodying a disruptive female narrative and knowing what makes it impactful

viewing time 5’09”


Fred Swaniker

Embodying a discruptive male narrative and knowing what makes it impactful

viewing time 3’28”

How to use body language to make the first impression you want

Reminders of a few theoretical & practical information on body language

viewing time 2’09”

10 Body Language Signals to Watch for in Every Interview

Practice awareness of body language

reading time about 4′

What is leadership?

Understand what features are needed to be a leader today

viewing time 6’59”

What makes a goal SMART?

Formulating SMART Goals

viewing time 2’52”

What is
goal setting?

Building up your dreams does not come out of magic. Listen to Kobe Bryant’s story and his way of achieving his end goals through a consistent daily routine. Ready to build yours?

viewing time 10′

How to master homemade online video content


Avoid all the traps of poor video content, even if you are not a hot shot video studio. Make the most of your phone and computer

reading & viewing time 7′

Find out how ready you are to take the challenge!
