learning space

Challenge 2: Getting to yes

learning space

Challenge 2: Getting to yes

more info here
Why online learning? 
For practical reasons:
  • It makes it free from physical boundaries: take it from wherever you are!
  • It makes it free from time constraints: as long as you take them before each challenge 🙂
  • It makes it compatible with your schedule, when you juggle work, studies and more. 
For professional reasons :
  • People in leader and senior management positions are expected to show drive and autonomy. 
  • Besides, next-generation learning is based on immersive learning. The amount of knowledge available online is now so huge that the best value of bringing people together in a room is not to download content but to practice real-life scenarios. Instead knowledge can be integrated remotely. This approach is called blended learning. PLACE uses this approach. Let’s use the time we have together in person to practice, not to digest contents!
Why these contents? 
You are lucky, we have already selected the contents that will provide you with the best insights to sharpen your skills. Some of it, we produced ourselves… we hope you’ll enjoy PLACE TV! We sure love making it 🙂Leadership is fed through being aware of transversal inputs: business, entertainment, politics, psychology… You will find contents from all of these areas. The reason we selected them is because they are compelling in how they portray the market relevance of skills, postures and behaviours we see you can perfect. How should you use your learning space?This content is for you! At PLACE we believe in the culture of self-management and reasonable effort, in line with where you see yourself. You will see that the more you integrate from your learning space, the better your results at challenges…
Treat yourself with a celebration each time you get your answers right in the quiz!Yes, we know what you did, but we do not judge on how bad or well you did in the questions :-). The data collected helps us to see whether you saw the contents, and how useful it was for you… but the certification itself depends solely on your performance at the challenges.Tips to make it worth your while :
  • You’ll need headphones, ideally a laptop (although it works fine on mobile) and a quiet spot to avoid distraction.
  • You can take it in bits, one content at a time, but the quiz at the end is to be answered all at once. 
  • You can watch them as often as you need to understand the concepts and practices- this is a place to come back to for you
  • Any question? why not post it on the Whatsapp of your learning community? Let’s build trust. There are no bad questions…
Have fun and see you at the next challenge!

place tv

A good idea requires a good delivery

Your audience connects to your project but even more to how you convey it, let’s focus on diversity and interculturality (watch time about 5′)

Becoming more persuasive is a muscle

Want to learn to get others to say yes? Watch this video and read the full article here (watch+reading time about 10′)

Use your body to feel more powerful

Making your body an ally in engaging others (watch time 6’27”)

What’s the difference between an amazing deck and a boring one?

Getting rid of habits that make your presentations average (watch time 17’21”)

Practical advice about crafting a powerful deck

Moving from good to great presentations (watch time 2’53”)

Get strong talking points for your projet

See the convincing language someone developed around their project (watch time 2’40”)

What is theory of change?

Articulate the impact of your project (watch time 1’52”)

Watch the Powerpoint God 🙂

What a powerful deck looks like. This is not within reach for most of us, but it’s good to know as reference- Hasan in a way reinvented the art of powerpoint for our times, with his unique voice. What’s yours? 🙂 (watch time 20′)

proof of learning
