Innovation and growth beyond borders

PLACE accelerates and leverages the innovation newcomers bring to Europe.

European societies need more and stronger voices with a recent history of migration to bring their perspectives and make their contributions to key economic sectors.

By unlocking this new talent and matching it with organisations looking for new players in the areas of business, entrepreneurship, public leadership, and media & arts, we are shifting the perspective of migration from a burden to a unique asset for the development and growth of Europe.

PLACE champions migrant-led innovation: since 2016, we offer transformative and innovative learning experiences to newcomers and host societies, while also giving newcomers space for self-determination to find their version of power.

We do this through designing and running programs and events, from our flagship pop-up innovation labs in European capitals to 9-month fellowships online, from public events to retreats, hackathons, training of trainers, exhibitions and more. Our formats are migrant-led, apply next-generation learning methodologies and edtech, and involve groups from 10 to 100 people. They all share one aim: create the link in practice between migration and innovation in the sectors concerned.


Upskilling for meaningful employment
in a shifting economy

PLACE creates a pipeline that is win-win for both newcomers and the private sector: newcomers master new skills and opportunities to access meaningful work and companies get matched with the diverse talent they seek.


From a choice by default to a self-defined life project, entrepreneurship can be a way to find a place in a new society. 

PLACE offers a pathway to start and test entrepreneurial projects which takes newcomers further on their empowerment journey: successfully integrating a business incubator or starting their own business.


We need new voices of influence on the complex challenges our societies are facing. We need newcomer voices in the public sphere.

PLACE runs the first of its kind public leadership incubator, to create capacity and room for new voices on key topics and invent new leadership models. We create the conditions for eye-level interactions for emerging leaders, and provide new talent to established leadership networks for new conversations that need to happen.

Media &
the Arts

Our complex societies need new conversations and forms of dialogue that only new voices can catalyze. 

PLACE develops bold proposals with diverse voices who speak for themselves, to challenge mainstream views of migration, leadership and other conversations wanting to be born.

learners in PLACE programs since 2017


of learners receive training-of-trainers and train on average 30 more people through PLACE


of PLACE program participants are refugees or asylum seekers


of learners have gained innovation skills exceeding industry standards for the future of work

PLACE is working towards 5 Sustainable Development Goals

We breathe through your Feedbacks

Here  i found a group that sees virtues in me that i was never aware of and that with feedback came to light. they have given me confidence.


CITM 2020

When i applies to the Ice Academy i was looking for an opportunity to turn my idea into a reality. at that time i felt that my idea was ready to take shape, but little did i know how much my idea would transform over the course of the program.


Ice Academy 2020

In 2018, i have developed my self, confidence to express my own hopes and dreams even more, and with PLACE i acquires the tools to make those a reality. these tools have given me a boost to push me forward.


Place Catalyst

When Emerging Leaders began, we the Catalysts felt disconnected from society we live in and aspiring to buil great projects in our home countries. we were not connected to the spaces and networks we need, through Emerging Leaders we became connected, our aspirations and ideas became more engaging to our new society and France.


Emerging Leaders 2020
