My Image, My Story, is PLACE’s flagship leadership program for migrants and refugees to explore their potential as leaders in a rapidly changing Europe.

My Image, My Story, is PLACE’s flagship leadership program for migrants and refugees to explore their potential as leaders in a rapidly changing Europe.
As a part of a vibrant community of peers, the Catalysts acquire powerful storytelling & public speaking skills, an optimized online presence and body intelligence; all tools they need to make their mark in our shifting economies.

Through PLACE’s next-generation learning experiences, PLACE Catalysts, shape and share their stories widely as they explore the influence and impact they can bring to Europe.
My Image, My Story is facilitated by a unique faculty selected for their cross-sector relevance and their achievements in their own highly demanding disciplines including business, media and the arts.
What will jobs look like in the Future of Work?
There are a lot of things we don’t know yet about the Future of Work. In fact, dealing with unpredictability is one of the things that will define how we work in the years to come.

Features inherited from the past vs features to develop for tomorrow :
Linear career paths
9 – 5 office
Bac +5
Department siloes
future of work
Shifting sectors
Online workspace
Constant learning

How do newcomers bring value to the Future of Work?
Newcomers, with their fresh ideas, new ways of thinking and wealth of life experiences are the boost that organizations, across all sectors, need as we shift towards the Future of Work.

Businesses with diverse leaders are 45% more likely to demonstrate growth

Companies with higher levels of diversity are 70% more likely to capture new markets

Companies with higher levels of diversity are 75% more likely to see ideas become productized
Future Catalysts:
Do you see yourself as a part of this vibrant community? Do you want to shape and share your story with PLACE? Contact Shawgi to become a Catalyst.
Looking to invest in newcomer talent? Contact Sarah to discover how your organisation can become a part of the PLACE Collective.