Business Sector :

Upskilling for meaningful employment in a shifting economy


What’s happening now?

Fast Forward logo
Fast Forward logos

Advanced Course in Innovation
and Leadership

A next-generation acceleration program for 29 aspirational women with refugee and migrant backgrounds to access meaningful employment in the corporate sector and accelerate its evolution.

What happened before?

Fast Forward logo
Fast Forward logos

A next-generation fellowship program for creating future-proof newcomer talent


CITM  equipped 20 refugees and migrants with next-generation skills for an accelerated pathway to meaningful employment.

Certified by Ecole des Ponts Business School, run in collaboration with L’Oréal

Why do we do this?

Women with refugee and migrant backgrounds are grossly under or misemployed. The employment rate for refugee women is on average 45%, compared to 62% for refugee men and 51% for other non-EU born women.

At the same time, when refugees find employment, almost 60% of employed tertiary-educated refugees in the EU are overqualified for the jobs they occupy, more than twice the level of the native-born and also well above the levels for other migrant groups.


of PLACE program participants are refugees or asylum seekers


of learners have gained innovation skills exceeding industry standards for the future of work

learners in PLACE programs since 2017


of learners receive training-of-trainers and train on average 30 more people through PLACE

PLACE is working towards 5 Sustainable Development Goals

Build with us

We’re working together to transform the business sector. Your organization can contribute to this systemic change – drop us a line.


Sector Team 

Devika Singh

Head of Programs

Léa Drougard

Design & Events Coordinator

Hugo Pilate

Business Program Manager

Razan Ismail

Catalyst Manager
