Shawgi, a spark for insight & connections

An energetic and natural connector, Shawgi brings his knowledge of interdisciplinary community-building to his role as the Talent & Connections Coordinator for PLACE. A cultural chameleon hailing from Khartoum, Shawgi has a knack for making meaningful connections and sparking riveting conversations no matter where his crazy schedule may bring him – from his MBA cohort of Ecole des Ponts Business School to the wildly interdisciplinary PLACE community. 

Shawgi first met PLACE in September 2018 while taking part in Labs.  He immediately clicked with PLACE’s approach to growing newcomer talent. The click was reciprocal: he is now driving the project with the other multicultural core team members.

Prior to meeting PLACE, Shawgi curated the Khartoum Hub of the Global Shapers Community, an initiative of the World Economic Forum, creating a space for high potential youth leaders to build the resilience of their communities together. When he isn’t animating thriving communities across borders and cultures, Shawgi brings his musical talent to the stage through percussion, beatbox and slam poetry.
