“We are changing our way of thinking”

“We are changing our way of thinking”
– Vanessa, PLACE Mentor
When Vanessa learned about the opportunity to become a PLACE mentor for Samsoor, she saw it as an opportunity to share and grow in a new way. Samsoor, a young man from Afghanistan who taught himself spoken French using only a series of Youtube videos in a mere 5 months, defied the face of migration that had been filling her newsfeed for the past 4 years. Now an active part of the PLACE community, she recommends anyone looking to change their way of thinking through discovery, mutual learning and fascinating conversations to join the adventure.

Boxing as a reconnection tool – to ourselves and to society
Professional dancer and choreographer, Bolewa Sabourin, urges us as a society to question our behaviour in order to enact change
Improving the health of those on hemodialysis and giving them a community
Professional dancer and choreographer, Bolewa Sabourin, urges us as a society to question our behaviour in order to enact change
Crafting masculinity in the 21st century
Professional dancer and choreographer, Bolewa Sabourin, urges us as a society to question our behaviour in order to enact change
Crafting masculinity in the 21st century
Professional dancer and choreographer, Bolewa Sabourin, urges us as a society to question our behaviour in order to enact change
When you own your story, the world is yours
By reappropriating her own story, PLACE Catalyst and architecture student, Duaa, was able to visualize her limitless potential
Embracing change and growing from it
A friendly reminder from Shawgi, PLACE’s Talent Manager – you can’t control the situation around you, but you can control how you react!
Invest in game-changing talent – invest in newcomers
Margaret Johnston Clarke, Head of Global Diversity & Inclusion for L’Oréal Group shows how forward-facing companies should see talent differently
Innovation can, and should, come from anywhere
Sobi, IT consultant, sustainable agriculture advocate and enabler of migrant-led-innovation
Planting seeds in the private sector
For Sandra, the Country Manager of Ben & Jerry’s, companies have a key role to play in changing the perception of newcomer talent