Crew-Online Influence

Flow of the Challenge(coming soon) A macro overview of the Challenge activities Catalyst’s Learning Space  A selection of articles and videos to watch and read in preparation for the Challenge Crew Brief Video(coming soon) What will happen during the Challenge,...

Crew-Leading Others

Flow of the Challenge A macro overview of the Challenge activities Catalyst’s Learning Space  A selection of articles and videos to watch and read in preparation for the Challenge Crew Brief Video What will happen during the Challenge, from start to...

Program information

Program Information Your Learning Loop with PLACE From the Learning Space to coaching – discover how learning happens with PLACE The people of CITM Meet and connect with the far reaching community of CITM Levels of evaluation How the expert evaluation takes...

Crew-Allies on Board

Flow of the Challenge A macro overview of the Challenge activities Catalyst’s Learning Space  A selection of articles and videos to watch and read in preparation for the Challenge Crew Brief Video What will happen during the Challenge, from start to...

Crew-Getting to Yes

Flow of the Challenge A macro overview of the Challenge activities Catalyst’s Learning Space  A selection of articles and videos to watch and read in preparation for the Challenge Crew Brief Video What will happen during the Challenge, from start to...

Crew-Coming Across as a Unique talent

Flow of the Challenge A macro overview of the Challenge activities Catalyst’s Learning Space  A selection of articles and videos to watch and read in preparation for the Challenge Crew Brief Video What will happen during the Challenge, from start to...