Sharpen your skills as a coach with PLACE

Coaching has always been a staple of PLACE’s work. On one hand, the newcomers trained through PLACE’s programs have access to sector-specific advice and insider know-how to fast track their professional development. On the other hand, coaches are trained by PLACE in next-generation coaching methodology, thus simultaneously upskilling and connecting with new talent. 

In 2020, PLACE will continue to create opportunities for experts to coach Catalysts, only this time, the offer goes global. In 2020 PLACE will be training experts from around the world on remote, agile, coaching methodology – creating a seamless interface with the Catalysts’ learning journey. 

We are kicking things off with our Emerging Leaders program, where experts from around the globe will enable migrants and refugees in Europe to take on leadership roles on public issues and in formal networks. Does this sound like you? 
