Up Collective – LAB #1!

Up Collective – LAB #1!

Learning Space During the Ideation Lab you will dive into the driving force of innovation – a problem you want to solve. Through a series of tools you will understand the roots of th problem, how you can contribute to its solution and develop empathy with the...
Up Collective – LAB #2!

Up Collective – LAB #2!

Learning Space How do you know if your solution is going to be a hit? You test, test and test again! During the Prototyping Lab you will learn not only how to test your solution for valuable feedback, but also how to identify what needs to be tested. The videos and...
Up Collective – LAB #3!

Up Collective – LAB #3!

Learning Space Get ready to take centre stage during the Pitch Lab! From problem analysis to prototyping, you and your solution have come a long way. Now it is time to bring all your work together in one exciting pitch presentation. The videos and articles below are...